During my recovery process I have learned from my parents about the extreme difficulties of finding sound information on traumatic brain injuries. Due to the challenges of my parents in knowing what to do and where to go for help I decided I wanted to help others experiencing similar trials. The name BRINJURED began soon after I come out of my coma. When learning how to speak again my voice was very low and my words came out very fast. My speech therapist (see photo) asked me if I knew why I was in the hospital. I said to her “I’m brain injured”, but it came out and sounded to everyone like I’m “brinjured.” I combined the two words and that is how it sounded when it came out.
I started BRINJURED, a non-profit organization for the dual purpose of providing traumatic brain injury (T.B.I.) information and awareness to patients and their families around the country. In addition to the awareness component, BRINJURED will also raise funds through donations and events and then distribute these funds to those financially challenged TBI patients. BRINJURED is focused on helping TBI patients, their families and friends learn about their injuries and the potential avenues for assistance with their medical challenges.